What I'm Reading | January 2016

It's a new year! With new, inspiring links! I don't usually throw around exclamation marks, but this month has me a little bit excited. Here's why, in case you haven't heard.

Last week we took our first family road trip to our favorite place, and it was the best weekend. We introduced Henry to wine country, relaxed in our Air B&B studio, and toured him around the UCSB campus, where we met exactly 15 years and four months ago. If ever an afternoon could be filled with so much nostalgia, this was it. 

Here's what I've been reading this month.

The story behind the most famous New Year's song of all. 

How to cook pasta and tomato sauce.

5 ways to make small talk more meaningful.

Can a 'do nothing' day change your life?

Encouragement for starting a meditation practice

Why kale is no longer a health food. 

Should you add milk to your tea? 

Thoughts on cloth napkins.

How Jhumpa Lahiri learned how to write again.

Inside Etsy's locally focused food program.

A handy guide if you grind whole spices.