
"How to Eat a Poem" by Eve Merriam + Nectarine & Gingersnap Crumble

There was a moment mid-June where I thought I had missed the season entirely. While all of you were gathering rhubarb and fava beans and writing lovely posts about it, I was doing nothing of the sort. Spring was busy. Good busy. There were trips for both business and pleasure, birthday dinners, and weddings. I was eating just fine, well in fact, but I needed a re-boot. All this added up to a strange and (thankfully) short-lived rut, where I found myself somewhat melancholy that I hadn't yet made it to the farmer's market to take home some of spring's bounty for myself. So I pulled up my bootstraps, tucked a reusable bag under my arm, and strolled the market. I also revisited some poems I had saved to use this summer, and this one set everything right.